Saturday, February 05, 2005

Off the Project

Last Thursday, I had a meeting with the district manager and my boss. I was enlightened to the mistakes that I have made while doing work on the project. Both managers expressed to me their frustrations and I was given the chance to explain why I made such crucial errors that I wouldn't normally do given my past work ethics. Needless to say, I was put in my place and that I will be off the project beginning next week.

For me it was a sigh of relief! I've been working on this project for over 8 weeks now and the last 3 weeks were a disaster! I was not given full transitions everyday and I would have to beg for the chance to get a transition. It painfully obvious that I wasn't just going to be in charge solely on the project but also other things in the center even though TPTB told me that I wouldnt do anything else.

I failed for I was communicated the expectations and didnt tell TPTB above my manager about my frustrations and shortcomings. So in my future endeavours I need
to manage upward if I cannot get the answers that I need and that I have to manage up on a timely basis too. Its part of the S.M.A.R.T. goals that I have been told to enforce.

On a learning curve, I am at the near bottom of the curve. I will need to study this a little bit more and learn from my mistakes. For now the managers are looking for a new home for me and a new task.

02/07/2005-UPDATE: I have been given a new home and a new project! Woohoo! I am psyched about it and will give some details later. Wish me luck...


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