Friday, January 21, 2005

Podcasting at its Best

Ive never posted anything about a podcasting before but Leo Laporte recently released one from MacWorld Expo with a few of his old friends from the old TechTV. Give a listen to it HERE.


I feel now is a need to post about Chin2.mpeg. I just googled Ching2 and my what a list of links! Theres even a page dedicated to everything there is to know about Ching2. Confidentially, I've had this file for over 3 years now and I still keep getting emails about it. Anyway if you havent seen it before download it now before it is out of the net forever. If you have seen it then kudos and visit the link anyway. According to the link there is a chin1 and a chin3 mpeg. I perused it and there is a bonafide like to chin3 but the chin1 sute seems to be down. OMG! Its officially Friday! Off with your pants!!!

Project Woes Cont

I just been given the beat down of the year. Three of my superior gave me a verbal warning to keep the account I am in charge of clear of any troubles. Anything that goes wrong with the account should be told to them and that I should single handedly start giving warnings to the people below me to shape up or they will get reprimanded too.

Sigh, I really wanted to hear that I was doing a great job up to this point. But, its a mear oversight on my part. I should be more clear about my orders and start acting like the boss and stop being just the point of contact for the account. TPTB are right on this matter.

Moving forward I will need to get the people involved with the project the information that they need. Good or bad.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Hm'kay here goes, We collect the orders from the client...Wait for Vince to come to work...give him the jobs to work on...then we jet out at 5 o'clock....BRILLIANT!.

On the contrary, I don't like getting the heave hoe when it comes to getting dumped with work that no one wants to do. We all must share in the task of completing client orders! Fortunately, I am organized enough to take on such a challenge. Some people arent gonna like me tomorrow when I show up at their stations with a write up sheet about their insubordinations!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Project Woes

Today I shall be scrutinize how we are going with a certain project. I came in to work yesterday and nothing was given urgency on any of the work that a certain account needs. One thing we all know is that we dont have a station to run such a huge project. So then why dont we send the work to another center? You got me! Why didnt anyone inform me of these projects before I came in to work so that we could decide on where it will go? You got me! I am so disappointed about the actions made by others that I am compelled to put my hands on techniques on this project to keep it cracking like an egg in front of my very eyes.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

People of the Year

An article in ABC News reports that we bloggers are the people of the year! Finally! Some recognition from the media about a phenomenon thats been brewing since the late 90's. Read up on the article right here

Sunday, January 02, 2005

A Noodle Year Resolutions

So much to expect and so much to do this year I just dont know where to start. So lets begin right here in the 2nd of January with the intention of making it better for others instead of ourselves. Last year I was all for being greedy and making things better for myself. Now that I have made some strides in making those things somewhat of a reality, its time to make things better for others.

The Tsunami that hit the coasts of South Asia has made me realize how important other people are to my life. So this year I will dedicate my efforts to improve the lives of others! So lets all start by making a donation to your favorite charity. Not that I dont trust every carity out there but just to be on the save side lets donate to the one international charity that will guarantee your donation will arrive to those that need it the most. CLICK HERE

Okay now that we have that out of the way I would like to pay homage to a little known blog site on the other side of the continent who was nominated for Best Overall Blog. Please vote for her by clicking here

Being the dedicated worker that I am. I was appointed to the task of managing an account for the next six months. In order for me to keep my promise. I shall be teaching and deligating my activites from this project and make the reast of the team involved in all the ins and outs of it. This will not only make them less reliant on me and more confident in completing the project on their own.

And of course more importantly, I shall dedicate all my free time to my fiance and make sure that all her needs and requests are answered post haste.